::Procrastination Station *choo choo*
4:11 a.m. - 2003-04-29

As I have recently become quite well versed in the art of procrastination...I have decided to compile my own personal top five ways to get your procratstinate on. Hee. There's a really huge list out there somewhere...I don't recommend number 247, which is juggling steak knives attached to oranges while reciting the alphabet in Arabic backwards...but hey, to each his own. I have some extra steak knives if you're really really all about that one. *ahem* Anyway, here's my list.

5. Eat. I know, I know...my fatkid spiel the other day...but I declared today "Fatkid Day" on account of the deadlines and the end-of-term party in Chamber Singers. So there.

4. Bake. Might not work for everyone, but gimme some ingredients and an oven and I can bake you into next year. Plus, it keeps roommates happy.

3. Tunage/telly. Make a playlist, play some guitar (or whatever your chosen and accessible instrument is...I hear armpits are comin back as a valid form of expression if you have no other alternative), watch some MTV2...music heals the soul. and songs are a good three minutes long each...so it's good to take up some of that valuable and waste-able time you have acquired. And of course, there's always time for a Buffy episode in your busy schedule...or a good dose of CHW or whatever movie can keep you rollin for a couple hours. Or hell, watch a reality TV show...or read snarky recaps on TWoP. Okay, this is like three suggestions in one...deal with it.

2. Exercise. Ha, and you thought it was all gonna be couch-potato related things. :) I'm a thin-kid on the inside, I'm convinced. Unless I smothered her to death...*gulp*...we'll worry about that later. A good walk, or a jog, or even a roll around campus in yours or a friend's wheelchair is good not only for the body, it's good for the procrastinating too. Especially if you take the wheelchair approach and are not used to wheelchair travel yourself.

1. Drive. One of my personal favourite pastimes. Hop in the car, or roommate's if you don't have one...or steal one, although I don't condone that third option...anyway, hop in the car and go for a drive. Sing at the top of your lungs to whatever the hell you wanna sing to. Even if it's that Irish drinking song "Whiskey in the Jar" like Eric and Betha did that one time. :)

So, there's my list. The writer's block buster list will be coming shortly...as soon as I develop more than three solutions.

Quick paper update: I've gone from a little over a paragraph to a little over three pages in just a few hours. Go me. Vale!

Songs - "The Motivation Proclamation" by Good Charlotte and "Lindsey" by Diaco.

Quote(s) -

Andrew (in oven mitts and an apron): *huffily* Where the hell have you been? This funnel cake is kicking my ass! - 7.15 'Get it Done'

Xander: "What's with the hand move? Does that like mean something?"

Willow: "It's code. I think it breaks down to 'choo-choo'." - 5.07 'Fool For Love'

The addition of the 'quote of the day' is due to the one and only Rachel, who has inspired me to put my knowledge to use. Hee. I think I'm right up there at the top of her Obseshon list too. *grin*

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