::Fishing for Seconds
8:46 p.m. - 2002-01-08

The world keeps on spinning every day...and I just get farther and farther behind. Deadlines have begun to creep upon me like some stealthy kudzoo vine. I have so much I need to do, and so little actual time to get it done. Plus, there's all this new AP homework from my various academic endeavors. Work, of course, isn't nearly as stressful as it could be, but it still manages to leave me with only an hour or so to finish the mountains of work that await me at home. And I have to have time to be creative...sometime. The worst part, really, is that I've had a strange spurt of inspiration...and nowhere to put it...or time to put it down. And if I leave it rattling round my head for too long, it will inevitably be lost forever soon. I wrote another song last night...this morning if you want to get technical on the time. I'm still tweaking the lyrics, but hopefully, soon I will have it ready to post. It's a shame none of you will get to hear it, though..until of course I become a huge rock star (laughs). I know I promised to introduce you to everyone, but I'll have to save that for when a post has something to do with them. Perhaps in an hour or two. Before you turn away, I must warn you...this is not the only journal I keep...so unfortunately, you won't get everything. But I shall try to give you at least a taste of what "J" hears/sees every day. (J is my paper journal) So, until we meet again, I good you bid-evening. Be sure to tune in tomorrow, same Rougher time, same Rougher...website.

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