::PAging Dr. Linzmat!
2:00 a.m. - 2004-10-08

It's October, and tonight is the night I get my first page.

I forget whether or not I've explained the whole "on call" thing here or not...but just in case, here we go. There are two PAgers. Every night when the office closes, there are two PAs who pick up the PAgers to hang on to overnight. Basically, you go on "rounds" sometime in the night, just to kind of check on everything. And, if anyone has a problem, they page you (all the freshmen have a magnet with the PAger numbers on them).

Tonight, I got my first page. Granted, I didn't like...bust a major party or anything like that, I still kind of freaked out when the thing beeped. I don't think it was JUST the beeping, but also the fact that I was about three steps from the shower when it went off. So I had to panick and get dressed in a hurry and whatnot.

That's not exactly the way you wanna be when you get paged, either.

So yeah. I'm not really gonna talk details here...because that's probably unethical on many levels, considering I didn't get permission from anyone to use true events or blah blah blah. Plus, it's not that interesting.

Mostly, just come away knowing that I got paged. And it scared the shit out of me. Can you imagine responding to a page naked or bra-less? Yeah...that's not how I wanna be authoritative and stompy-footed either.

And with that, I leave you to try and get some sleep.

What is this, three entries within twelve hours or something? Is that a record for me? Sheesh!


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