::One Wedding and a trip back home
10:03 a.m. - 2004-09-27

First of all, let me say that I did try and update earlier. But I think the computer killed it. The computer which is now working. Awhoohoo!
Anyway, on to the grits of this entry.

Weekend at home. I was ready to go back for a little while. Not that I get particularly lonely here anymore, what with all the awesome people to hang with, but sometimes there just isn't anything like going back home.
Of course, this time it was for my cousin's wedding. That went really well, by the way. My new cousin-in-law is a nutter, but in the good way. At least, as far as I can tell it's the good way. She fits right in with the Matthewses, I'll tell you that much. And, as it turns out, playing "Clocks" as the retrocessional(?), was a little Hollywood, jsut as I suspected. But it worked out pretty well. Would have been better with an entire band instead of a little rinky keyboard, though.
The only complaint I have, is the new influx of relatives giving me that specail "you're next, ya know" kind of talking to.
It's kind of scary knowing that I'm the next eldest grandkid on not just one, but both sides of my family. If you're keeping score, that means my number is up. My grandpa Matthews actually gave me a "deadline" at the rehearsal dinner. First he said that if I get married before he dies, he's paying. And then he reined it in a little bit, and gave me five years to get hitched. Granted, five years is half a decade...but I don't know if I'm gonna be ready for all of that in five years. I've heard being married is just "putting up with each other" forever. But I have to think it's a bit more complex than that. Right?
Either way, I think it's the word that's a little scary to me. Eh, whatever. I've got five years to get used to the idea.

Speaking of getting used to the idea, actually, I don't know what to say about it. Suffice it to say, there's a new sun a-rising on the relationship-ish horizon. *grin*
That's all I'm gonna say about it just now. I haven't exactly cleared the whole "full disclosure" thing with the other party.
I'd better get up and get my day started, don'tcha think?

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