::Speed is Dead, But I Am Not
3:26 p.m. - 2004-09-21

Wow. It's been a whirlwind week so far. I've had so many "free" hours that I've had to fill, and I got so busy that I haven't even had a chance to breathe.

Hopefully tomorrow, my one truly free day this week, will not prove to be as hectic as the past few days have been.

I really can't even start to tell you everything that's been going on. Mostly because I have no earthly idea what's been going on.

I struggled with the damned USB network adapter thingy on my computer all weekend. I still haven't gotten it to work properly, thank you very much. And I haven't been able to get any help from any sort of tech support at all. Anywhere. I even called Windows tech support in freaking Washington state. no help for the Linzmat. So now, I'm hoping against hope that the UTD Help Desk will actually be, well, helpful, when I drop my computer off with them Thursday morning. *crosses fingers* Yeah...that'll help. I'm sure I've ranted about the unhelp deask a lot...but I can't find anything to linky to right now. It's been that kind of week. So if you want to find an entry, and I know you do, you'll have to fend for yourselves. Sorry.

On to the amusing. At least, it's amusing. You'll have to decide for yourselves. I pride myself on having very capable readers. Yeah, I like all three of you.

Anyway...last night, after lots of classing and reading and rushing around...I finally got a moment to sit in my new living room. Oh, yeah. I switched my living room and bedroom this weekend too. Still a work in progress...but I think it's gonna stick and be awesome.

Have I told you that I'm easily distracted this week? Okay, good.

Anyway, I'd been seeing the commercials for CSI: Miami all weekend. There was the big stink about how "one of these CSIs won't survive it." And because I love Rory Cochrane so much that I sat through Dazed and Confused multiple times, and he happens to play a one tim Speedle on CSI: Miami, I decided I needed to tape the episode. So, I looked and looked for my cables to hook up the VCR. I found them eventually, and set to work programming the VCR. Of course I became technologically inept at this very moment. I could not, for the life of me, get it to work. At all.

Oh well, right? 6:45 rolled around, and I decided just to go to class anyway. Somebody's got to recap it., right? So I get my stuff together...but I can't find my keys. I have LOST MY KEYS! Just so you know, I rarely do this. And my apartment is small enough to make it spectacularly difficult to lose anything, much less a big ol' ring o' keys. I tore the place APART looking for my keys, for like, half an hour. Normally, it wouldn't be such a big deal to just...leave without them. But I was gonna be gone for around five hours, and if I left the door open, anybody could just...walk in, ya know?

So I end up skipping class, (which, in retrospect, wasn't such a bad thing). But anyway. I missed it. Because my keys left me.

I gave up looking for them at about 7:30. And at 8...it almost hit me. I thought to look again.

Wanna know where I found them?

the linen/coat/hall closet, on top of a pile of towels, on a high shelf, virtually invisible from my height.

How on earth did they get there? Well, that's where the box that had the cable was...but why did I have my keys with me? truth? I don't remember putting my keys there at all.

But there they were.

Bright side? I did get to see CSI: Miami. If you haven't seen it and are dying to know who died...well, I'm gonan tell ya. they killed Speedle. I knew he was doomed, of course. He was last billed in the credits, AND he said something to the effect of "I'll have plenty of time to do that later." Which is the kiss of death. the only thing he was missing was a red shirt.


So now, I have no real reason to watch that show. Except that I will, if ever I'm home on Monday night. Because I've become a CSI enthusiast. And I'm kinda diggin Horatio. Yes, it's wrong. And no, I don't feel bad about it.

Okay, I think we've had enough of the unlife of Linzmat for today. I will try and get back to you before next week, though.

for now, PACA!

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