::An Update, of Sorts. Now with To-Do List!
3:47 p.m. - 2004-10-16

It was terrible of me to leave you hanging for five days, I know. Especially when all I left you with was a couple pictures of a cute little ass. :-D

So, an update is definitely in order. *ahem*

WE OWN BUILDING 56! Yes, ladies and germs, Wednesday night the HOT STUFF of Building 63 played a fantastic game of flag football against The McFlys from 56, and kicked their asses. I believe the final score was 29-3 in our favour. Which, in turn, leaves us in first place for our pool, and second place overall in the Freshmen Division. PLayoffs are coming up this week, so you'll get to hear about our greatest victories in the near future.

Furthermore, Sex By The Pool (the sex-ed program...not an orgy) is coming along swimmingly, as is the Trick-or-Treat program we're putting on for the elemtary school types around Richardson. I think both of those programs, coming up in the next couple of weeks, are gonna be awesome. I really do. And I'm pretty excited about both of them.

Even furthermore, I'm cat-sitting this weekend for my one-boss lady while she's at some big meeting/conference/gathering of types who have similar jobs in Kentucky or somehwere. I think it's gonna be fun. Or at least easy. Maybe both.

And on the cat front, there'll be a teeny kitty coming to live with me in the very near future. No, I don't have her yet. Yes, I know I said I would by now. But I just don't, okay? Okay.

In other news, here's my To-Do List For the Week:

1. Study for and take Neural Basis exam (Monday at 1 p.m. is testing time)
2. Finish term paper topic/bibliography assignment for Linguistics (class is Monday at 7 p.m.)...firstly this task requires that I nail down a term paper topic.
3. Finish Info Search for Hearing Impaired class (class is Tuesday at 7 p.m.)
4. Write dime novel paper for Pop Culture (Due Thursday at 2 p.m.)
5. Clean apartment, because it's getting a little fugly in here again.
6. Re-catfriendly-ize apartment
7. Sex by the Pool (Thusday at 6)
8. Flag Football Playoffs (Wednesday at 11 p.m., Thursday at 11 p.m., Friday at 5 p.m...and possibly Tuesday at some time...)
9. Get to the Dallas Central Library to get books for term paper, etc.
10. Prepare program proposal/flyer for Grounds For Dismissal (due Monday by 9 p.m.)

Of course there are more, but I really don't even want to think about that right now, thankyouverymuch.

I'm gonna go study some more. And then maybe take a nap.


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