::Fifteen days?! What have I been doing for fifteen days?!
9:45 p.m. - 2004-12-02

Fifteen days. I have no excuses. Actually, that's not entirely true. I have several excuses. But they still don't constitute a two-weeks-plus absence. But, since I don't really have anything else...I'll give you my excuses.

1. Finals. Yes, it's only the second of December. But UTD has some weird policy where we get out REALLY early. So I've had finals to prepare for. And they've been a bitch. Or rather, several bitches. That have been beating me. But I'm down to two, so that's good. They're both Monday. I should probably start studying for those.

2. Thanksgiving. Granted, I'd already been gone for like...nine days when the Gobble Gobble came around...it occuppied my thoughts for a good three days before that. And I had a good one, in case you're wondering. Lots of cousins who have doubled in size since I last saw them. Bigger cousins who have become visibly pregnant (*squee! new baby cousins!*). And, of course, lots of big family hugs and "So, how's school goin? Now you're where again? Really. How's that workin out for ya?" conversations.

3. Inner turmoil. Okay, that may be a bit of a stretch. But I have been feeling a little...strange lately. It's so time for this semester to be over with.

4. PArade of homes and various other programmy things. We've been raiding everyone's flats every night (well okay, a few each night). So there's been that. Last night was a late-night study break thing. And I've had to get my place ready for the raid. I put up wicked awesome Christmas lights in my bedroom, moved my bed around, cleaned like there was no tomorrow. And then everyone came over...for five minutes. But hey, at least I got the lights up, and my place is clean enough to last me 'til January.

5. The crappernet. With finals and end-of-term stuff, everybody and their dog have been on the wireless. And, since my computer is kinda moody and our relationship is a little...volatile, he gets mad at me at the most inopportune moments.

6. I'm a bad, bad journal person. I have neglected you above all others. I did start an entry a few days ago...but I didn't finish it. Because I'm bad. Does that excite you? No? Gah well.

That's the end of the excuses.

Anyway, here's an update. My Pop Culture final project went well. I got an A! And my take-home final went well, I think. I felt good about it. Linguistics was predictably a waste of time...but I'm fairly certain I did well. Geology was a cinch, of course.

And as for what I still have to do...the Linguistics final project doesn't scare me. But the Neural Basis one does a little. Considering I haven't started studying for it yet.

And now, I am leaving you again. I promise I'll be back soon, though. Before December 17th. Promise.


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