::A Long, Long Day
8:59 p.m. - 2004-12-04

True, it's only been a day (I told you I'd be back), but a lot has happened. So here's my day chronologically. Only more interesting (I hope).

Last night Rock called at like...11:30 and asked me if I wanted to come over and watch Garden State. Of course I said yes, I mean, what did I have to get up for in the morning? So I go over there at like...midnight-thirty. Garden State is a really good movie, by the way. You should all see it when it comes out on DVD.

After the movie, Rock and I watched a few episodes of 'Scrubs.' That's a really good show too. I hand't ever really watched it before. And then of course, because Rock is Rock and we always end up talking...we started talking about stuff. PA stuff, family stuff, hometown stuff, random other stuffs. To nutshell it, it was almost 5 a.m. before I left his house. But it was totally worth it. Totally.

This morning, I woke up at ten (don't ask me why) and started cleaning/studying/watching Netflix movies. Around 1:30 or so, I went to Target to pick up some last minute stuff for the PA Christmas shindig (which I'll discuss later). When I got home, I couldn't find Dru. After I looked EVERYWHERE IN THIS APARTMENT for her, I logically figured she had escapedc at some point during the day. So, understandably emotional, I went looking for her. After an hour and a half or so with no luck, I made some flyers, so that anyone who had seen her would call me. Then the guys from across the hall came over and told me she had darted into their flat earlier. And, I guess they forgot I had kittens, so when she started "getting cozy (read: not just sitting there being scared to death)," they let her OUT THE FRONT DOOR. Dear God. I could have smacked them. They didn't even bother letting Luke or I know there was a cat in their flat. So, Dru was still MIA. I kinda gave up looking for a little while and decided to get ready for the Christmas Party. I made some yummy Puppy Chow, wrapped my awesome White Elephant present, and decided to do one more sweep of the building before I left. I didn't want my baby out in the dark and the cold by herself. Anyway, long story shorter, she was sitting in the bushes out in front of the building like, "where the hell have you been?" So I cried some more, took the "LOST CAT" posters down, and brought her back inside.

That was pretty much the scariest thing ever. I cried so much this afternoon.

Then there was the PArty (to steal Stone's term). We had it at our boss's boss's house, only the MegaBoss wasn't there. Which was a little weird. But, it was fun. We had fajitas from Chili's and various collegekid dishes like Jambalaya and greeb bean casserole, and Dirt Cake and whatnot. And of course, we played White Elephant, otherwise known as Chinese Gift Giving or Dirty Santa.

We had a LOT of interesting stuff. The presents went from a yo-yo and army guys, to a cat o'nine tails and sexy underwear (that may have been edible), to a "gangsta" kit, a giant piece of plywood with Christmas lights that said UTD, some punnier stuff, and good stuff like movies and a month subscription to Netflix (I brought that one). I had a massager pillow thing for most of the game, but I ended up with a "program in a bag" of sorts. It was all the stuff to have a Pancake Breakfast. So I think I'm gonna do that for the folks in the office sometime this week.

It was really a fun night of PA-bonding and food. I can't believe the semester is already over with. I feel like it's still October, or at least it should be. But at the same time, I feel like I've known some of these people forever. Being a PA really is the coolest college job ever.

And now, I'm going to go catch up on some sleep or something. I've got to be at work at 5 in the morning for floorset (the last one of the year, THANK GOD)


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