::More Procrastination
8:38 p.m. - 2004-11-03

I've told you that I'm really good at procrastination, right?

Well, I'm at it again. I've got another Pop Culture paper due tomorrow...and here I sit. Not doing it. Luckily, this one doesn't require novel reading or anything. But, it would be helpful if I'd read that article about advertising...weeks ago.

Gah well. That's what bullshitting is for, right?

The election is officially over. No, my candidate didn't win...but, I'm glad it's over. I don't think I could have handled it if they'd dragged it out like last time. I am glad that I decided not to stay up ALL NIGHT waiting on a decision, though. Because...I would have been rewarded only with being VERY tired at work this morning. Lucky for me, the decision I'd been waiting for happened just as I was leaving work. So I didn't really miss anything at all. And, now that Bush is still President...I'm gonna grin and bear it, and do my best to support him on the stuff that I can. I refuse to be a sore loser, or really angry about the way it all turned out. So there.

I also believe I promised a little voting schpiel. I know, it's a little late to tell you to vote...but that's not what I was gonna do anyway. I was just gonna say that absentee voting, while it's all well and good, leave you feeling a little...outsider-ish. First of all, no stickers. Secondly, you don't get to be there when your vote gets all...officialated. YOu don't get the satisfaction of seeing it go into the reader, or a screen saying something like "thank you for your vote," or anything like that. Thirdly, at least with me, you're not all that informed on the local stuff. I ended up voting mostly party-line, except for a couple of incumbents I really like, just because I didn't really know much about the others. And I know it's my duty as a voter to be informed...but they really don't care about Oklahoma politics outside of Brad Carson and Tom Coburn in Texas, or anywhere else.

In another quick bit of eleciont-type news, Dallas elected its first female sheriff! Way to go Lupe Valdez! I was actually REALLY excited about that, even though it doesn't really affect me all that much. Also, Harriet Miller lost, which sucks. I think she would be awesome in the Texas House. Here's hoping she runs again in two years!

Anyway, back to procrastinating. I just...haven't the motivation to paper right now. At all. I think I'm still a little keyed from the inaction last night. That, and I've got a little bit (okay a lot) of tension I need to work out...somehow.

And on top of that, I feel really guilty about not spending much time with the kitties this week. They're resorting to sleeping on my typing arm. Which makes me not want to type, for fear of waking them. I don't think Fritz minds too much though, or he'd move.

Gah well. I'd better go find something else procrastinatey to do. I have been meaning to install a light in my living room...and I need to flyer my building for our program tomorrow...yeah, that ought to keep me busy for a while.


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