::The Queen of Dumbassity
10:34 p.m. - 2004-10-31

You heard it here, well, second. Rach beat me to the entry bit.

But yeah, you're looking at the reigning Halloween Queen of Dumbassity (not involving stupid decisions and grisly car accidents). And here's how I got that way:

I didn't really have anything planned today, besides laundry and studying, which are very un-Halloweeny things to do. So, I went to Ft. Worth to hang with Rach. :) We were going to maybe go see a "scary" movie...but there were protests from the Peanut Gallery who couldn't go and wanted to see them too. Soooo, we went to see Taxi instead. No, it isn't really Halloweeny, but it's more festive than sitting around with my nose in a textbook all day.

We got to the cinema a teensy bit late (but the political convo was worth the late-itude), and I forgot my wallet in the car. So I went back to get it, and locked the fraggin keys inside. Rachel, God bless her, has started to remember to lock my door. This would have been an EXCELLENT time for her to forget. But no such luck. However, instead of worrying about the locked car right then and missing the movie, we (I) decided we should go to the movie anyway. I mean, the car's not going anywhere, right? So we did that. Taxi is a silly, silly movie. But, since I heart Queen Latifah and Jimmy Fallon (most times) and Christian Kane, it was worth it. I gotta admit though, the car thing was on my mind through most of the movie.

After the movie was over, we went earching for a phone book, with which to find a locksmith and/or a helpful police officer. Didn't really wanna call the big Bickleys, on account of they might have banned me from interaction with their eldest. Well, after striking out with five or six (or eight) possible solutions to this locked car problem, we finally called Bickleyhaus. Right after I did that, some couple in a Honda pulls up next to us. The guy's got on this freaky clown mask and he's grinning crazy at us, and he's got a hirt on that says PSYCHIATRIC WARD on the back. He's got his window down, so I ask him (sheepishly...I mean, what are the chances?) if he's got a slimjim handy. And, miracle of miracles, he said yes! But it wasn't on him, it was at home. Fortunately, he lives like...two minutes away from the theater. And since his movie didn't start for like, half an hour, he went home to get it and help us out.

He pulled up with the slimjim, blasted some Tool from his car, and got to work. Saint Crazy, because that's what I'm calling him, got my door open. Right at the last minute too. It was like...7:25 or something when it opened. So, he and his girlfriend got to their movie on time, we got back in the car before it started pouring, and I (eventually) got home before tomorrow, with plenty of time to start studying and active procrastination! I think everybody won. And I'd like to send out yet another thank you to Saint Crazy AND his girlfriend. Ya really saved me.

So now I'm home, and I should be studying. But I really just wanna snuggle up on the couch with a-somebody and listen to the rain. Gah well. I guess my textbook will have to suffice.

Stupid books.


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