::A Long Week
1:10 p.m. - 2005-02-10

It's been six whole days...again. I'm a bad, bad journal person. And I've been especially busy. Well, maybe not especially...but enough where I feel completely exhausted at the end of every day.

I think maybe part of it is that I haven't been sleeping very well lately. I don't knjow if it's stress, or my mattress is getting lumpy, or that the cats are ever-so-slowly attempting to take over my bed and put me on the floor, or what. But no matter what time I go to bed or what time I wake up, I'm getting puffier and puffier in the optic region, and redder too. All in all, I'd say it's getting curiouser and curiouser.

On the academic side of things...I aced my Psychology of Music test. I knew I would, of course. I mean, the TA gave us ALL THE ANSWERS at the review session. And people still managed to almost fail. It's kind of sad, really. But, whatever. It's a load off my mind knowing I don't really have to pay attention in that class.

Also, I got a B on my Assessment midterm. Can I just say, this professor's testing strategy doesn't get better when it's a subject she enjoys teaching. It just...sucks. She won't give you any study guidelines, and her tests don't leave you any room to explain things if you can't remember the exact (or pretty damn close) word she's looking for. And she's kind of bitchy and holier-than-thou about things. But, I've gotta deal with her. So I will, I suppose.

On to the long weekend ahead of me. PA Selection is this weekend. Basically, that means tha all day Saturday and Sunday I'll be watching, interviewing, listening to, and discussing all the folks who wish to join our esteemed ranks for next year. Muwahahaha. actually, it's just going to be a really long couple of days. Which is the perfect way to round out a really, really long week.

I'm extremely tempted to just...go back to my house and curl up with a cat or two and forget that I have tons and tons to do in the next four days.

But I won't. I always find some way to remind myself of my responsibilities. Na dhtne I get all stressy and tense. SO I'm gonna go...do that.


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