::Blechity Blech Blech
1:00 p.m. - 2005-02-24

Well, it's been a week. I guess it's time for me to update again. I'd just like to extend my profound apologies to anyone who has looked forward to my entries (thank you, oh imaginary person that this applies to) and has been disappointed in my lack of updatey-ness this semester. I just...haven't been able to be in a "journaley" kind of place. I get more and more easily frustrated by the quality (or lack of, as the case is) of the campus internet, and yet I remain too poor to pay for internet (and consequently cable TV, because they'd be SURE to notice that I haven't been "paying" for that all year). And besides the technical difficulties, I'm just having trouble getting motivated.

That's really not an excuse, and I get that. It amazes me how easily I fell out of the habit of updating. And it further amazes me how hard it's been to get back into that habit. And the fact that Rach, who I converted to DLand-ism, is at 700+ entries now, and I'm only at 500 or so. Whooopth.

I'm tired of whining. How about some news? I rearranged my rooms...again. I finally decided that having my bedroom where my living room should have been was just too weird, no matter what I did. Not that I won't change my mind in six months or whatever and figure a way to change it back...but for now, it was too weird. So I moved my big-ass chair and my couch back into the living room area, and my high-ass bed back into the bedroom section. I've made everything fit everywhere with enough room to still move around and whatnot. I made half of my bedroom into a music room, so I can keep the keyboard and guitar set up all the time. W00t! Here's hoping that makes me play more. I could certainly use the outlet.

Ollie got "The Big Operation" on Tuesday. He seems to be recovering nicely. He was only mad at me for like, an hour afterwards. And now he's firmly back in his lapkitty status, and no longer in danger of impregnating...anything.

Oh, and Rach, Nadia got shot in the back. :)


P.S. LAUNCHCast is awesome for finding new music! And thank you Rachel for introducing me to Teitur!

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