::Edro and the Girl Factor
10:31 p.m. - 2004-12-05

First of all, prayers and thoughts to my dear Edro because he broke his shins taking the blue belt test (read his entry...you'll get it). He's been in the hospital for the past couple of days, and he's having surgery tomorrow. Something about steel rods in his legs...he was a little out of it when I talked to him.

He's gonna be okay, at least that's the rumor. Not sure about his MMA career...but he's gonna be okay. Which is good. God I miss him. I haven't seen him face to face in over a year. I miss his hugs, the way he smells like Irish Spring and laundry detergent, the feel of his hair under my fingers as I rub his widow's peaked head. I just miss him. At least this way when I get back for Christmas he'll be on crutches and unlikely to run back to Stilly before I get a chance to cuddle the hell out of him.

Otherly, I think I'm turning into a real-live girl. No, I'm serious. I always knew working at Lane Bryant would turn me girly eventually. And now that I actually have some money to spend on pretty clothes that aren't necessarily everyday functional...it's finally happening.

Like today, we had "Associate Gift Day" where we get an extra %15 off everything we buy. Well, for giggles I tried on this jacket with a pink cami underneath. And it looked AWESOME. SO I totally bought the outfit. With a pair of lightwash jeans and some black pants...just so I have options. And then I bought a few really cute "twofer" shirts, one that was pink stripey on the outside and pink solid longsleeve on the under, and one black outside with vintagey words (and glitter...) and white longsleeve under, and a pink one that had vintagey glittery words and white longsleeve under.

And in case this kind of seems normal to you...keep in mind that a little less than a month ago I did not own a single pink shirt (except for that one I bought for senior pictures forever ago). And I've started carrying a purse again. Really it was necessity the first time. I bought really cute jeans a few weeks ago, but they have TINY pockets that hold NOTHING. So I had to carry a purse just to have my keys and phone. And then I just haven't unpacked my crap from it...and I haven't left it anywhere yet, so I count it as a sign that I can carry a purse. On top of that, I want some heels, real bad. And I've started shaving my legs every other day even in the winter when I wear long pants all the time (though that could be due at least partially to something else).

Oh dear god. What's next? Makeup? Matching my bra and socks? Skirts? Nylons? The possibilities are endless. And honestly, they're a little scary to me. But I guess I'll go with it. It's not that I hate the girly thing. It's just...new territory for me. But, in my recent experience, new territory can be a VERY good thing. *weg*

I should really be studying for my final final. I'm gonna go do that. I'll try to get my wit and interestingness back after finals. I promise.


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