::End of the Season, and Store Rape
8:30 p.m. - 2004-10-22

It's been two days already? Where oh where does the time go?

Last night was Sex By The Pool. I've been saying that all day. "Last night I had...Sex By the Pool, and then a football game." People freak out. Anyway, yeah. The program went really well. Not exactly the five hundred people strong rockfest that it could have been if we were on a more active campus...but we had a pretty good crowd. It was well worth it, all told.

And then, there was the flag football game. We had a LOT of people come out to support. It was really a great thing. And because the game was a t a decent hour, the volleyball girls even came.

Unfortunately, we got creamed. And when I say creamed, I mean 30-0 creamed. Creamed like cream corn creamed. It was bad. And it wasn't that we were having a really off night or anything. We actually played real;ly well, especially on offense. But...they were just better. They were having a really on night. And it was too much for us.

It was really a hitty way to end the season. But there's not much we can do about it now. And, at least we kicked ass every other game (excepting that one...but that was before we hit our stride). And I don't think they've forgotten that we rocked. Hard.

Honestly, it was the toughest loss I've had in a long time, sportswise. I had to hold back the waterworks something serious. And I did lost it and have a pretty good cry on the walk back to my apartment, and while I was making and hanging flyers on everyone's doors. I'm such a girl.

Eh, what can you do?

Slightly more scandalous news? My store got robbed last night. Yeah. LIke, with thieves and everything. Luckily, it happened in the middle of the night when no one was there. So it wasn't like...gunpoint robbery or anything. Just a big ass rock through the window and a whole hell of a lot of clothes escaping through the hole.

It sucks to be robbed. They give us all this training about loss prevention and stopping shoplifters and all that crap...and then this happens. And you feel helpless and violated and...store raped.

But the police guy said he was pretty sure he got some fingerprints off of the glass and the handle on the door, and from an item rack.

Here's hoping they catch the bastards.

Okay, I'm off to feel guilty about not taking any Environmental Geology tests this week, and to not study for anything or write any lab reports or papers or anything. All weekend.


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