::Good News, Bad News, and Zzzzzzzz...
8:09 p.m. - 2004-08-17

I suppose I could start with the good news. I got the word on my computer today. And the word was...I need a new computer. It would cost about $500 to fix the one I have now...and you can get a nice desktop for that much. So...I'm going to go with the desktop.

The bad news? I need a new computer. I have about $40 in my bank account. And since my dad quit his job (I'm glad he did it...he hated it and wasn't making hardly any money at it) and hasn't found another one yet...we're kind of in the poorhouse. More than usual. So there's a little dilemma.

Secondly with the bad news, my paycheck this week isn't going to be enough to cover all my a'spenses for the start of school, so I have to bum off the 'rents again this month. Which is bad. See above, re: poorhouse. Mommala assures me that we'll get through it just fine, not to worry, it's not my job to worry, it's hers. Blah blah bitty blah.

I'm still a little worried.

I need more good news.

Day four of Opening Week Activities have reached their end. What do I have to show for it so far? One semi-sprained bowling finger, big bags under my eyes, clothes that smell just like charcoal, and a bunch of cool new freshman friends. Not to mention the good feeliong that I do indeed have a life.

I think not having a computer made me more social. Who'da thunk?

And being a PA at events is way more fun than being a freshman. People expect you to come talk to them. And they're way more apt to talk to you. After all, to a freshman, we're about three steps away from god.

Yeah, it's nice.

Anyway, hopefully there will be a shiny new(ish) desktop on its way to me within the next couple of days. And Opening Week will be over before I know it.

And then classes start.

See? Good news AND bad news. All in one.


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