::I'm Not Dead Yet, But I'll Let You Know In A Week
8:58 a.m. - 2005-03-22

It's been three weeks already?! Actually, I'm not that surprised. Things have been crazy in La Vida Lindsey lately. After I moved my bedroom back into my bedroom, I kind of forgot I had a computer. Whoops.

That, and my computer and the internet have been fighting like demons, so on the few occasions I sat down to bang out an entry, they wouldn't have any of it.

My sister was down all last week for her Spring Break. We had a great time, all told. I got really homesick after she and my mom left on Saturday, so I was in a funk all weekend. Plus I was studying for a big test I had yesterday, so you can imagine how much fun I was to be around.

Now, I should be studying for a test I have tomorrow, getting ready for class, getting ready for my Observation appointment this afternoon, preparing for my officer and building meeting tonight, deciding what to wear to work (I need the hours, but sheesh!), and a zillion other things I'm clearly NOT doing.

As it is, I'd better get to all that stuff. I've got to be in class in about...ten minutes. And here I sit in my pajamas.


Oh, by the way. I got my hair cut and donated to Locks of Love. So it's much shorter now. :)

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