10:28 p.m. - 2004-10-03

Wow, what a weekend.
It all started Friday morning...or, afternoon for me I guess. Around 12:00 p.m. I realized I was leaving for Conference in less than an hour and didn't have my clothes dry, or my bags packed, or my house clean, etc. So I ran around like a chicken with its head cut off for about fifty minutes.
When I finally made it out of the hosue with all my crap in tow, I realized I had yet to pay my rent. I went back inside to write a check only to discover that I had used the last check in my book. So I tore the place apart looking for my extra checks. Found them finally...the same place I found that cable that one time I lost my keys. Luckily this time, I left the keys in the front door. Smart? Not exactly. Smarter than losing my keys AGAIN? Definitely.
Anyway, so I get the check written and booked it to the office. By this time, it's definitely 1:00 or later. I jump in a van, we get out of there. And then we have to come back because we forgot something...somewhere.
All told, it takes us about three and a half hours (not counting my late-itude) to make a two hour drive.
But, because of the spectacular overabundance of time Da BossLady allowed for us to get there and "settle", we still made it in PLENTY of time. Enough to work out the kinks in the skit five or six times, play a little shuffleboard, and probably watch Schindler's List.
Friday night at the conference was mostly ROLL CALL. That was actually really awesome. Our skit was definitely the top runner in the large school category...until UNT got up there.
There was a skit like those singing phone commercials. UNT did one kind of like the "Whose Line?" skit where Colin is always the director giving everyone crazy instructions. There was the "I'm glad I am an RA" song, Scenes From a Hat, lots of lamer and/or more roll-call-esque ones.
I think ours was definitely the most unique. We called it "Who's At Your Door Anyway?" Basically it consisted of lots of strange people (random parents, a pirate cleaning service, viking, Dudley Do-Rightish police(wo)man, a pimp and two hos, and a streaker, respectively). We got LOTS of laughs. Even for my part, which was the door. They cracked up every time the door squeaked open. :-D
But yeah...that was fun. And then Saturday happened.

Saturday morning, we learned to juggle from the "keynote" motivational speaker guy. I was stoked. I'm actually getting kind of good at it.
Then there were the interest sessions. I went to one on Staff Development, one called "Wrap Your Tool" on integrating sex and STD education into programs, one called "Big Boys Do Cry" on how to spot and help ease homesickness among your residents, and finally "More Than A Feeling" which was massage techniques. I got lucky on that one, and got partnered with a really cool guy who is studying to be a massage therapist. Usually I don't enjoy getting massages very much...but he was awesome. And even cooler, from the moment I saw him Friday, I wanted to meet him. And, as luck had it, I did. Neat, huh?
Then of course, there was SWAP Shop. Basically, your school brings tons of propaganda and promotional stuff like tee-shirts, pens, penants, whatever you've got...and you trade stuff with people from all the other schools there. I've already used my monitor brush, and I'm enjoying my brand new TWU mousepad. And I got a condom keychain that says "Wrap 'Em Before You Hook 'Em" from UT Austin.
That was pretty much the big action Saturday. We didn't win any awards or anything. In fact, the majority of our "delegation" as they call t, didn't even go to the awards bit. There were only four out of thirteen that went, myself included.
There was a mechanical bull, potty races, and dancing afterwards. But mostly, there was more shuffleboard, hot wings, and sleep for the Comets.

This morning, five of us got up WAY too early and headed in home in time for church.
I skipped the church and fixed my living room up. And finally, after seven or eight hours, it's liveable again.
Sorry to be recappish...but I'm too tired to wit just now.

So I think I'll get to sleep.

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