::Behold the Onion Girl
3:49 p.m. - 2004-06-05

I never knew I had this many layers of epidermis. Of course I learned all about dermal layers in high school biology...but put into practice, it's mind boggling. I could make a 1/8 scale model of the Golden Gate bridge with all the skin I've lost in the past two days. Maybe I could get a world record for that.

Ew. Imagine a to-scale model of the Golden Gate Bridge made completely out of dead skin.

Nevermind that whole world record idea. That's just "gucci".

But seriously, I know I said to "embrace the peeling"...but this is just too much. My whole arm's coming off for crying out loud!

I'm going to go see H3 tonight with some of the old gang. From what I gather, it's mostly the boys from NSU. But it'll be lots of fun to geek out with my guypals. :-D

There is much more to say...but regrettably I must get ready for this evening just now.


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