::The Underaccomplisher at Home
6:56 p.m. - 2004-12-18

I have become spectacularly good at getting NOTHING accomplished this Winter Break. Not that I haven't been doing things and keeping busy...but my "To-Do" and "To-Read" and "To-Learn" lists are as long as ever...and there are VERY few check marks next to things.

While I'm pretty good at not doing things all by myself, this severe lack of Break Accomplishment is probably due, at least in fairly large part, to the extreme and unplanned Mo-On-My-Couch situation I've had going for the last two weeks. Yes, the MOMC has come, and gone (thank God). He has the ability to make ANYTHING not fun. Even stuff that's already not fun is made even MORE not fun by the MOMC. He just sits there, making the same (really, REALLY bad) three jokes over and over again, drinking up my sodas and getting cracker crumbs and vinegar splashes all over my house. And then he tells me all these none-too-fun facts about whatever it is I'm doing/playing/watching/enjoying. And I just want to throttle him.

Geez. I never knew I disliked him that much. But seriously, he's officially the blandest person I've ever been around in my life. And that's tough, because I know quite a few milquetoast types. I just wish I weren't such a nice person. But I am...so when he told me he needed a place to crash...I offered. And I've suffered. But it's over now. If I can just gather up all the shit he left here and lock it away in a little box, I should be able to forget this whole experience.

So here's to getting things done on my last day in town until January (probably). Yeah...that's gonna happen.

I've started to come out of my transient tenant phase. My first two years here at UTD in Waterview, I was definitely a temporary resident. I didn't decorate really, except for a few movie posters and the extreme mirror-covering-up collage last year...but other than that, I never really made a mark on my apartments. I didn't ever really make it "home."

But this year, while I still haven't done much in the way of decorating, at least with permanent-ish stuff like painting...this place feels more like home. I've started a collection of grocery-type items that I will never, ever use. And I bought these myself, so they're not like the twenty tins of sliced mushrooms that got sent to Uni with me freshman year. No, now I have eighty thousand packages of hot chocolate mix, two bags of tiny marshmallows (which...while tasty, I will never eat them all), a giant bag of Animal crackers, a big box of brown rice, and a collection of applesauce and roasted-pepper turkey. Why did I buy all this stuff? I have no idea. I guess it seemed like a good idea at the time.

And this place has seen a lot more of me. I unpacked everything this time. I kind of put down roots with more than one piece of real furniture, and actual "living room" and kitchen of my very own...and unlimited control over my environment, excepting flood, fire, and other Act-of-God-or-my-upstairs-neighbours type things.

I just feel...at home here. Finally. At this school. It's kind of cool. It does suck that it took two and a half years and a LOT of doubt for me to get that feeling...but it's nice to have it now.

Just for reference...that whole shpiel just now was far more poetic the first two times I wrote it. But, thank you Netscape and Dru...I lost it. So there it is, thrice revised and a little flatter. Later dudes.


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