::Update Cycle and then some
10:11 a.m. - 2004-10-30

I think I'm getting into a rhythm here. I really think so. Every couple of days, when the cats aren't going INSANE and the internet decides it wants to work, I sit here and I write an entry. I'd do it more often, but the INSANE cat cycle and the internet cycle only go into retrograde(?) at the same time long enough for me to write anything ever couple of days. So you're gonna have to deal the way it is. At least until the kitties grow up enough to where they don't crawl up my body (whether or not it's completely covered) every ten minutes or so.

Aaaaanyway, what's been going on with you guys the past couple of days? Really? That much? Sounds exciting.

Wanna know what's been going on with me? Good, I'll tell you. We had our Trick-or-Treating program for the area elementary school types on Thursday. I think we had a pretty good turnout, especially since it was the first year we've ever done it. We had about 60 or so kids come out. And all the parents I talked to thought it was a rgeat idea and kept asking if we were going to make it a tradition. Of course we are. Little kids are too cute in costume not to.

We forfeited our intramural soccer game last night. Because we didn't find out that it changed from 10 p.m. to 7 p.m., until 8 p.m.. That really sucks, by the way. Not that we would have really had enough people to play at 7, but not even having a chance? It bites.

I managed a B+ on my dime novel paper for Pop Culture. Not quite as good as I would have liked...but I'm happy with it.

Other than all of that stuff, there hasn't been a whole lot going on.

Last night, I went over to X's, and kind of repeated the beginning of what caused the whole drama last month (Here's where I would normally link to the entry that talks about the whole drama...but it's in the "private" folder and I don't feel like editing it). Don't worry...I'm not gonna. I've decided to look at it in a completely different way this time. It was fun, it was nice, and I'd be up for a repeat performance. But I don't expect anything.

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