10:38 a.m. - 2005-07-16

Today is the day. I know many of you are already neck-deep in the latest goings-on at Hogwarts. Lucky bastards. I didn't think it would be a big deal, waiting. I mean...it's twelve hours, and I'd be asleep for most of it. Right? Well of course I woke up freakishly early this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. I think part of it was the wacked-out dream I had, with broken windshields and storms and I think there was a demon or something. I guess that's what I get for finishing Dead beat yesterday, and then driving home in the worst storm I've ever seen up close in Dallas.

Also the power was out. And I was all by myself. Of course I'll wake up early, MAXIMIZE the boredom.

Of course, the power's back now. Yay for power.

But I'm still just sitting here waiting. I know the mailman won't bring HP to my door...but I don't want to go out in the weather and wait for him like some sort of lifeless super-loser either. I'm sure some people could pull off the mailbox-waiting with only a marginal loser vibe. I, am not one of those people. I'd of course try and play it off like I just HAPPENED to be by the mailbox with my lawn chair, and tha the witches' hat on my head was the only one I could find that would protect me from back-of-neck sunburn. I suppose I could go to Borders and get my reading started early. But I'm sure it's chaos there. I was there waiting out the power outage at like...seven thirty last night. There were already thirty or forty diehards in cloaks hanging around.

I've gotta go wait this out somewhere. If I don't, it'll be too hard to resist kissing the postman on the mouth when he gets here.


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