::A Series of Unrelated Events...or is it?
12:27 p.m. - 2004-07-06

Some very strange things have been happening around here over the past few days. First of all, as I may have mentioned, my cat Hallie (short for Hallie-Boo-Tooty-Kat) disappeared about a week and a half ago. we woke up one morning, and she just didn't show up to eat. No idea where she went. Put a "lost" ad in the paper last week, and no one called saying they'd seen her. Nothing.

Well, I was outside last night helping my dad to cook some hotdogs on the grill (yum) and we hear this cat crying in the back pasture. Well, being the ever-hopeful and optimistic person that I am, thought ot myself, "It must be Hallie!" So I went out with the flashlight to look, and there she was, just sitting in the front seat of the tractor.

And this morning, I let her out to do her kitty thang, and she's gone again. Methinks Hallie-Boo has another home. But at least we know she's alright. And she'll be back. She still loves us, after all.

The other strange thing happened last Thursday. I got home from work around 12:15, and I found Mommala's Jimmy backed into (some might call it over) the corner of the front pasture's fence.

So of course I called Aby, who had moved the Jimmy in order to get her car out of the garage. She swears she put in in park. So I go inside, and sure enough, the keys are on the BOTTOM hook. So I get the horses out of the front pasture and go to pull the Jimmy back up in the driveway. Like a normal person. Well, I hop in, and the car is in drive, which is...weird. But, I pull the Jimmy, in a straight line (the wheels were straight on, as were the tire tracks, back up under the tree in the front yard, where I figured Aby had parked it.

A couple hours later, Aby got home, and informed me that she had parked the Jimmy right in front of the house in the driveway. And that she was sure the wheels were straight. AND, that she had hung the keys on the TOP hook. Well, I decided to do a little experiment. I went to the car and tried to take the keys out when the car wasn't fully in park. It doesn't work. And then I tried to turn the wheel with the keys out of it. The steering wheel locked, and I couldn't turn even enough to get the fence angle right.

In addition to all of this, I found the back door unlocked and the front door locked when I got home. That's usually not the case.

So, there is a mystery as to how the Jimmy got itself into the fence. It came out relatively uinscathed, just a few barbed-wire scrapes on the back bumper.

Sure, it might have been the neighbor kids. But Aby left the house at 11:50 or so, and I got home at 12:15. So they didn't have long to do all of this. And when I got home, none of the animals were freaking out like there had been a stranger about. In fact, they all seemed as cool as cucumbers.

So, I've concluded that it was either a scare tactic by the animal mafia, or we've got ourselves a haunted driveshaft or something.

It was a pleasant Fourth as well. I'll give info on that later I'm sure. But for now, I'd better get back to work.


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