::Working...and then some
8:03 p.m. - 2005-06-10

So now it's been a couple days, still working at BI. I interviewed over where Rach and MommaBickley's place of business yesterday. I think it went well. Not entirely sure if the job would work out for me...but I guess we'll see. They want someone full time, which I can do for a couple of months. but there's no way I could do full time during school. One, because it's not allowed with the whole PA thing. And two, my class schedule is no longer built for a full work schedule. It's built for...PA-ing, and maybe part-time stuff.

In other news, I got an offer to work full time at BI for the next few months. Apparently the girl they hired a few days ago to work mornings isn't nearly as cool as me. Or something. Most likely it's that she's only going to be around for a few weeks, and this is her very first job. Ever.

So yeah, I think I'm gonna do the full time thing, at least for a while. They like me there, and they've said over and over that they'll be flexible with my schedule and everything. I guess it'll come down to longevity. Plus, at least on the BI side, I like who I'm working with, and who I'm working for. Even if BossMan explains things to me as if I'm a trained monkey.

Good God I'm boring. You'd think that somewhere in all this drivel would be a little witty commentary on the world or something.

But nothing really new in Linzworld. No "Life of the working woman" stories as of yet. Just...lots of people who've screwed up, some BIG TIME, trying to get back on the road. And the occasional crazy fax machine and crazy people calling and crazy telemarketing things.

But nothing's coming to mind to talk about. So I think I'm just gonna go finish watching my Buffy and then read a little. Maybe write something. With lyrics and notes.


P.S. You should sign the book, or drop me an email or something. I get bored easily when I'm all to myself.

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